PLAY SAFE – a guide for parents
The PLAY SAFE campaign for parents are powered by ANGI Nordic in cooperation with ISFE.
PLAY SAFE gives parents the information they need to manage play in the home. From age ratings, to family settings and all the way to creating a healthy gameplay in the family.
Playing video games is great, especially if you have a set of rules and limits that everybody in the family are comfortable with.
This guide is a help to do just that.
Visit the campaign in your local language:
Talking to your kids about their video game play
As video games continue to play a large role in many people’s daily lives as a way of entertainment, connection, and learning, it’s important for parents to be empowered to make the best choices for their children when it comes to what they play, how they play, and for how long they play.
Here you will find a guide on how to start the conversation with your children regarding Online communication,
Parental controls and monitoring, and Screentime habits: #SeizeTheControls – Conversation scripts